Summer Stars lets players experience a large variety of events, special challenges and competitions at exciting venues, including London, the scene of the Summer Olympics and well-known stadiums and arenas around the world. Summer Stars offers a challenging and deep career mode, multiplayer modes for up to four players and a large variety of disciplines and venues, and will deliver high replay value and hours of fun for players. With more than 18 different disciplines & challenges, Summer Stars covers a whole range of summer sports. Players can prove their talent in disciplines like Triple Jump, Mountain Biking, Diving or Sprinting and become a top athlete in the career mode. In multiplayer mode, they can compete directly with up to three friends or family members on split screen – delivering a gripping “just one more go” experience. Summer Stars also leaves it up to the players to decide how far they will be physically involved in the gameplay: the game supports traditional arcade-style controls, as well as motion control.
Ano: 2012
Tamanho: 3GB
Idioma: Inglês
Região: EUR
ID: BLES01528
Plataforma: PS3
Summer Stars 2012 + FIX para CFW 3.55
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